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Does this have servers?


next thing you know is that this was the first gth

its lemmons




i miss this game

best game


is there pubs

how do you play on just quest


can people start joining code 1 again cuz i dont have discord

bro why everyone asking for mod or fingerpainter 

pls make me mod bro if you want 

Could you give me mod pls im bar1 at the game

my friends hard jackson Vincent rose

can i have the finger painter because every lobby I join, there is someone with the finger painter


is this lem n piny

No your not

this game is fun i played with pinky too!

i have a anti cheat to give you to stop hackers add me on discord its kokolot__

hi coke


They're in the old update phantom

why do i see people in forest floating

their an a older update

it CLEARLY says to not ask for mod in the game

Yo can i get mod

Tall pool monks

why does it not work i tried using cx files but it says "app not installed" and it says its conflicting with another package


Phantom you need to uninstall that other fangame in unknown Sourcees then try

k thx

im trying to us sidequest on my computer

but it isn't working

not on computer use vr

if you can use sidequest advanced installer it's WAY better

commenting so i remember to get on vr

bro you can just use moble vr Station 

cloudtricity eats babies

wheres da update

i made a game on applad its restart tag

Bro did NOT create restart tag 


(1 edit)

you did NOOOOOT make restart tag



do not need pc

just cx file explorer or moble vr station


do you need pc???

no just download mobile vr station on applab

or you can use cx file explorer 

also can I be unbanned on the discord I have no reason placed in my ban

There is a new game acting like it is GTH but the apk is a virus 99.9% sure

you should style this page a bit more. make it black like the old gth page

Best one